Source code for utility


contains various utility methods used by many of the modules

import os
import re
import logging
from collections import OrderedDict
from frozendict import frozendict, FrozenOrderedDict
import collections
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def get_page_num_width(state): width, height = dimensions(state) book = state['books'][state['book']] max_pages = get_max_pages(book, height) return len(str(max_pages))
[docs]def format_title(title, width, page_number, total_pages, capitalize=True): ''' format a title like this: * title on the top line. * use two dot-six characters to indicate all uppercase for the title. * page numbers all the way at the right, e.g. ',,library menu #1/#3'. ''' page_number += 1 total_pages += 1 # ',, indicates all uppercase' if capitalize: title = ',,' + title if total_pages == 1: return to_braille(title) total_pages = str(total_pages) num_width = len(total_pages) # left pad number with required amount of zeros page_number = '{:0>100}'.format(page_number)[-num_width:] current_page = '#{}/#{}'.format(page_number, total_pages) available_title_space = width - len(current_page) # make title right length if len(title) > available_title_space: # truncate title = title[0:available_title_space] else: # pad title += '-' * (available_title_space - len(title)) return to_braille(title + current_page)
[docs]class FormfeedConversionException(Exception): pass
[docs]class LinefeedConversionException(Exception): pass
[docs]def get_max_pages(data, height): return (len(data) - 1) // height
[docs]def set_page(book, page, height): if page < 0: return 0 max_pages = get_max_pages(book, height) if page > max_pages: return max_pages return page
[docs]def dimensions(state): width = state['dimensions']['width'] height = state['dimensions']['height'] return [width, height]
[docs]def find_ui_update(config): ''' recursively look for firmware in the usb_dir, firmware file is called canute-ui.tar.gz returns first one found ''' usb_dir = config.get('files', 'usb_dir') ui_file = 'canute-ui.tar.gz''update UI - looking for new ui in %s' % usb_dir) for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(usb_dir): for filename in filenames: if filename == ui_file: return(os.path.join(root, filename))
[docs]def find_files(directory, extensions): '''recursively look for files that end in the extensions tuple (case insensitive)''' matches = [] for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(directory): for d in dirnames: if d.startswith('.') or d == 'RECYCLE' or d == '$Recycle': dirnames.remove(d) for filename in filenames: for ext in extensions: if'\.' + ext + '$', filename, re.I): matches.append(os.path.join(root, filename)) break return matches
[docs]def unicode_to_pin_num(uni_char): ''' converts a unicode braille character to a decimal number that can then be used to load a picture to display the character used to convert PEF format to CANUTE format ''' int_code = ord(uni_char) - 10240 pin_num = 0 pins = [0] * 6 if int_code >= 0x20: int_code -= 0x20 pins[5] = 1 pin_num += 32 if int_code >= 0x10: int_code -= 0x10 pins[4] = 1 pin_num += 16 if int_code >= 0x8: int_code -= 0x8 pins[3] = 1 pin_num += 8 if int_code >= 0x4: int_code -= 0x4 pins[2] = 1 pin_num += 4 if int_code >= 0x2: int_code -= 0x2 pins[1] = 1 pin_num += 2 if int_code >= 0x1: int_code -= 0x1 pins[0] = 1 pin_num += 1 return pin_num
[docs]def pin_num_to_unicode(pin_num): ''' used by the gui to display braille ''' return chr(pin_num + 10240)
[docs]def pin_num_to_alpha(numeric): ''' for sorting & debugging ''' mapping = ' A1B\'K2L@CIF/MSP"E3H9O6R^DJG>NTQ,' mapping += '*5<-U8V.%[$+X!&;:4\\0Z7(_?W]#Y)=' return mapping[numeric]
[docs]def pin_nums_to_alphas(numerics): ''' used to convert plain text to pin pattern numbers ''' return list(map(pin_num_to_alpha, numerics))
[docs]def alpha_to_pin_num(alpha): ''' convert a single alpha, digit or some punctuation to 6 pin braille will raise Formfeed or Linefeed ConversionExceptions if they are found other unknown characters will be logged and a space will be returned. ''' # mapping from # mapping = ' A1B\'K2L@CIF/MSP"E3H9O6R^DJG>NTQ,' mapping += '*5<-U8V.%[$+X!&;:4\\0Z7(_?W]#Y)=' alpha = alpha.upper() try: return mapping.index(alpha) except ValueError: # form feed if ord(alpha) == 12: raise FormfeedConversionException() if ord(alpha) == 10: raise LinefeedConversionException() log.warning('problem converting char #[%s] to pin number' % ord(alpha)) return 0
[docs]def to_braille(alphas): ''' convert a list of alphas to pin numbers using :meth:`alpha_to_pin_num` form feed and line feed characters are supressed ''' pin_nums = [] for alpha in alphas: try: pin_nums.append(alpha_to_pin_num(alpha)) except FormfeedConversionException(): pass except LinefeedConversionException(): pass return pin_nums
[docs]def test_book(dimensions, content=None): ''' returns a book of 8 pages with each page showing all possible combinations of the 8 rotor positions ''' text = [] for i in range(8): char = i + (i << 3) for j in range(dimensions[1]): if content is not None: text.append([content] * dimensions[0]) else: text.append([char] * dimensions[0]) return text
[docs]def test_pattern(dimensions): '''creates a repeating pattern of all possible dot patterns''' cols, rows = dimensions text = [] for i in range(cols * rows): text.append(i % 64) return text
[docs]def flatten(l): return [item for sublist in l for item in sublist]
[docs]def pad_line(w, line): line.extend([0] * (w - len(line))) return line
[docs]def get_methods(cls): methods = [ x for x in dir(cls) if isinstance(getattr(cls, x), collections.Callable) ] return [x for x in methods if not x.startswith('__')]
[docs]def unfreeze(frozen): if type(frozen) is tuple or type(frozen) is list: return list(unfreeze(x) for x in frozen) elif type(frozen) is OrderedDict or type(frozen) is FrozenOrderedDict: return OrderedDict([(k, unfreeze(v)) for k, v in list(frozen.items())]) elif type(frozen) is dict or type(frozen) is frozendict: return {k: unfreeze(v) for k, v in list(frozen.items())} else: return frozen
[docs]def freeze(writable): if type(writable) is tuple or type(writable) is list: return tuple(freeze(x) for x in writable) elif type(writable) is OrderedDict or type(writable) is FrozenOrderedDict: return FrozenOrderedDict([(k, freeze(v)) for k, v in writable.items()]) elif type(writable) is dict or type(writable) is frozendict: return frozendict({k: freeze(v) for k, v in writable.items()}) else: return writable